What is the best game plan for the next 9 days? I am a Manhattan GMAT student and I just finished the online prep class. My test is on Thursday, August 27. My goal is a 700. My CAT scores are:
#1 Q43 V34 640
#2 Q43 V34 640
#3 Q44 V37 670
I experienced timing issues on the first two practice tests due to a power outage and a wasp problem at the office where I was taking the exam. I took my third exam in a different location and did not experience any timing problems on the third exam. I took all of the exams with the AWA essays and under the test conditions that I expect on test day.
Should I spend most of my time in the next 9 days focusing on my weakest areas? If so, would it be best to spend most of my time reviewing the Strategy guides or going over OG questions? What is the best way to maintain what I have already learned?
Thank you for your help.