i have a question regarding option B of this question
B says : To best extract their flavor, saffron threads should be soaked in liquid after pounding with a mortar and pestle.
you have said the following reason to eliminate B:
The principal error here is the misplaced modifier: 'to best extract their flavor' mistakenly refers to saffron threads, leading to the absurd conclusion that they are extracting their own flavor.
NOW in another prep problem you have said following about the "infinitive modifiers" :
infinitive modifiers don't modify nouns at all, actually; they aren't adjective-style modifiers.
when an infinitive is used as a modifier, as is done here, it modifies the entire clause to which it's attached. reading the sentence in this light, you should be able to make perfect sense of the modifier.
the above italicized quote you have said at the following link (december 19,2008): http://www.manhattangmat.com/forums/to-protect-english-manufacturers-of-woolen-goods-both-agains-t1577.html?sid=7b76219897615a08aa5f896164e99990
my concern: aren't your two quotes (one in blue and other in red) contradictory?