Study and Strategy questions relating to the GMAT.
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Flashcards to study

by RobinK97 Tue Jun 10, 2014 11:24 am

Hello -

I'm in my 4th week of studying and have 2 months left to go.

I've read in the Manhattan roadmap guide and in other places that flashcards can be used as one strategy to study missed OG questions.

I understand how missed OG math questions can be put on flashcards. I can use the missed problems to practice how to solve them quickly and recognize patterns between my missed problems. Are there other ways I should be using flashcards for missed math OG problems?

What about using flashcards with verbal questions, how does that work? Specifically, with sentence correction - what should I be putting on the card? What techniques or strategies have helped people not make the same mistake multiple times?

Any advice or examples would be helpful.

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Re: Flashcards to study

by StaceyKoprince Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:43 pm

Good questions.

Have you seen this? ... -the-gmat/

That article talks about how to study and one part of it talks about a way to make flash cards that will help you know what to do when you see certain clues / signals on either quant or verbal.

For SC, for example, what markers signal that a particular rule is being tested? Obviously, if you see a split between is / are, you know that the problem is testing subject-verb agreement.

What if you see a split between using the word and and not using it? (sentence structure or parallelism)

What if you see an entire chunk of the sentence changing? (Probably sentence structure, modifiers, possibly parallelism)

That sort of thing. There's a ton you can do! :)

Then, of course, you can also make flash cards for specific rules that you're trying to memorize - you're probably already using them for that.

If anyone else has specific ideas that have worked for you, please share!
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum