Study and Strategy questions relating to the GMAT.
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First time studying for GMAT - how to devise study plan?

by JosephL358 Tue Jan 03, 2017 9:24 pm


I have just purchased the Manhattan GMAT complete study guide 6th ed. in addition to the OG 2017 books. Also, I have a subscription to Magoosh and their online GMAT material. I work full-time and would prefer to do a self-paced study plan with the goal of taking the exam in 3-4 months.

I am struggling with where to begin on setting up a study schedule/plan of action. My strengths lie in the verbal sections and I need to spend more time studying the quant sections. I have taken one of the free exams offered by the GMAT official website but have not proceeded further with studying up to this point.

Does anyone have a suggested path forward on how to devise a solid study plan that will adequately prepare you for the test? I am operating on a tight budget and consider my self a "self-starter," - just looking for any help / opinions / direction on setting a strong study plan and ensuring that I am covering all the necessary information.

Thanks for your help!

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Re: First time studying for GMAT - how to devise study plan?

by StaceyKoprince Fri Jan 06, 2017 3:40 pm

Hi! Welcome to the forums.

Take a look here to start to figure out how to devise your own, personalized study plan: ... our-score/

Whenever another article is linked (in the above article), follow that link. Also, you'll see that that article is about 2 years old, so I want to add 2 additional resources that have been published since that first one was published.

Overall business mindset for the GMAT: ... -the-gmat/
or in webinar form:

Interleaving your studies (learning science / helping you to study more effectively):

Take a look at all of that and then come back here with any questions. Also, feel free to tell us what your plans are and we'll tell you where we agree or disagree. :)

Good luck!
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum