I have gone through the CR material about "Evaluate The Argument Questions" from MGMAT CR Strategy Guide 5th Ed. and Ron's March 3, 2011 Study Hall, I am confused about a basic but important point related to the method we use and the frame of mind we put ourselves in, while tackling the "Evaluate The Arguments Questions" and I am always getting them wrong:
MGMAT CR Strategy Guide suggests that these questions should remain within the scope (Page 109): "Out of scope: don't make additional assumptions!". Whereas Ron's Study Hall of March 3, 2011 discusses these questions as a variant of Strengthen/Weaken questions that can go either way.
To avoid confusion, I must mention that my understanding of the term or jargon "Out Of Scope" is based on the way Ron has prudently explained the difference between Assumptions Questions and St/Wk Questions in study hall of March 4,2010. In that study hall Ron has nicely explained that the Assumption questions should remain within the argument's immediate scope, whereas the St/Wk questions must venture somewhat outside the argument's immediate scope.
Does correct answer choice ventures somewhat outside the scope of the argument or does it remain within the scope? (OR TO PUT IT IN ANOTHER WAY), do we treat these questions as we would treat the Assumption questions or do we treat them as St/Wk questions?