Study and Strategy questions relating to the GMAT.

Estimating the score...

by eczozgeuyanik Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:29 pm


I've been taking MGMAT tests for the last two weeks... My scores are:
CAT 1: 710
CAT 2: 720
CAT 3: 740
CAT 4: 720
CAT 5: 720
CAT 6: 750
(Q 49-51 AVG: 49,6 V 37-41 AVG: 38,7)

GMATprep scores:
GMATprep1: 710 (so many questions were repeated... Although it was the first time I took the test I remembered many of verbal questions)
GMATprep2: 720 (5-6 questions were repeated)
GMATprep3: 730 (2-3 questions were repeated)
GMATprep4: 710 (lowest math score I've ever taken Q48 V40.... In verbal so many questions were repeated-about 10 I guess)

I'm taking GMAT on the 20th of February.... I'm really nervous and excited about the G-DAY... I just wanted to ask your idea about my prep scores... This is my second attempt, so I don't want to try my chance again. Moreover, I don't have time and strength to study again... May be this makes me nervous about the exam... Anyway... I'll be happy if you share your ideas about my scores... Do you think I'll be able to score 700+?
Jack Nelson

Estimating the score...

by Jack Nelson Mon Feb 18, 2008 5:20 pm

Based on some of the things I've read from the MGMAT Staff responses here, your actual GMAT score should reside somewhere around the average of those scores - with a standard deviation of around 50 points for the MGMAT CATs. The staff also suggested that although the official GMATPrep CATs are close to the real deal, those will typically have a standard deviation of around 40 points - with the official test having a SD of 30. Furthermore on test day, 2/3 of the time you will score within that SD of 30 points and the other 1/3 you will score outside of the 30.

In short, just relax and take solace in the fact that you've studied hard and should be adequately prepared to do your best. It looks like you've put up some pretty good numbers on the practice tests, so the only thing left is to be confident!!!

Best of luck on G-Day!!!
ManhattanGMAT Staff
Posts: 9362
Joined: Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:05 am
Location: Montreal

by StaceyKoprince Mon Feb 18, 2008 9:34 pm

Jack, I love it! You got all of the details exactly right!

Yes, the SD on our tests is about 50 points and on the official test, it's about 30 points. There isn't a published number for GMATPrep, so it could be 30 if everything's exactly the same as the official test. I have always assumed there are some differences and those differences might cause a higher SD (though this is just an assumption - I have no real knowledge in this regard). So I assume an SD of around 40 for GMATPrep, just in case.

Your numbers look great on our tests, though you did note a lot of repeat questions on GMATPrep, which tends to inflate the score (assuming you remembr how to answer the questions). You're definitely ready to get into the real test and see how it goes - you may not hit your target score the first time (the stress of the situation affects everyone differently, and for some people it can be severe enough to hurt your score), but you're in good shape overall. Go for it!
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum