Q#28) If x not equal to 0, is x^2 + 1 / x > y (reads x square plus 1 divided by x greater than y) ?
1) x = y
2) y > 0
The answer is C. I thought the answer was A because, no matter what the sign of x, since we are squaring that variable, we should always get a positive number and so, we do not need to flip the sign. So, when x = y, if x = -2 or x = 2, x^2 + 1 is always greater than x^2. I am not able to understand why this explanation is wrong.
In the explanation it is mentioned that considering the case of x>0, x^2 + 1 > x^2
and when x<0, x^2 + 1 < x^2. The one thing I did not understand was the reason we need to flip the sign. So, Statement 1 is not sufficient.
Could anyone please explain this confusing topic ?