Question source--Modified question --Ron Purewal video
Is m divisible by 8?
(1)mn is divisible by 8
(2)n is divisible by 8
Statement 2 is insufficient because n has nothing to do with m
Statement 1 says mn is divisible by 8. So in the prime box of mn we have a 2,2,2....?
For m to be divisible by 8 we need a 2,2,and 2. We dont know in statement 1 as to whether m or n has contributed to the 3 2's.
Therefore its insufficient.
I have doubts when combining the 2 statements.
mn primebox will have a 2,2,2...?
Statement 2 says n is divisible by 8 and thus the prime box of n will have a 2,2,2...?
Now were certain that the three 2's of the mn primebox are bought about by n from statement 2.Is it possible for the primebox of m to be empty or in other ways leaves the m primebox with just the dots and question mark like this "....?" only).Also answer the DS question via the same video method--Primebox .
Please clear this doubt Ron.