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Diverse problem sets

by MaxM527 Mon Jul 10, 2017 8:33 pm

Hi! I am having trouble with timing and I think one of the issues is that the problem sets I do are concentrated around one topic. As a result I have trouble jumping around topics on practice exams. Are there any diversified problem sets I can do? I am really looking for sets that cover a wider span of material and more closely represent the quant or verbal section.


ManhattanGMAT Staff
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Re: Diverse problem sets

by StaceyKoprince Thu Jul 13, 2017 2:29 pm

Hello! There are a few different things you can do here.

If you have the OG, it comes with access to an online question bank that contains all of the same problems that are in the book. You can use that online access to set up random question sets. (You can also literally just jump around in the OG, randomly choosing problems to put in a set. Even if you do happen to get, say, two quadratics questions in the set—that's what random means! Sometimes, you really do get two of a similar type close together.)

Note: You can't "deselect" OG problems that you've already done by yourself in the book—so if you've already done a large percentage of the book and think you would remember many / most of them, then you might not want to use that particular tool.

In that case, you can also buy an "add-on" question pack for the GMATPrep software—a bank of ~200 quant and ~200 verbal questions that don't appear in the OG or in the GMATPrep practice tests. Again, you can set those up to deliver random question sets to you.

GMAC also has a product called GMAT Focus—it's quant-only, but it's a really great tool. It's sort of a mini-quant section of 24 questions (instead of 37), but the awesome thing about it is that it's adaptive, just like the real test. In other words, if you're doing well, you'll earn harder questions (and vice versa). So this one is the most like the real test (without actually having to take a whole test). This product is more expensive than the others on a per-question basis—but you are also getting more value for the money.

You can read more details about these products (including pricing) on the website.
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum