The parents of a baby born with spina bifida say that had they known the child would be born with a disabling defect that can result in paralysis, profound learning disabilities and fluid on the brain, they might have chosen to abort the pregnancy.
A. had they known the child would be born with a disabling defect that can result in paralysis, profound learning disabilities and fluid on the brain, they might have chosen to abort the pregnancy
B. had they known the child would be born with a disabling defect that can result in paralysis, profound learning disabilities and fluid on the brain, they would have chosen to abort the pregnancy
C. they might have chosen to abort the pregnancy if they had known the child would be born with a disabling defect that can result in paralysis, profound learning disabilities and fluid on the brain
D. if they had known the child would be born with a disabling defect that can result in paralysis, profound learning disabilities and fluid on the brain, they might have chosen to abort the pregnancy
E. they might have chose to abort the pregnancy had they known the child would be born with a disabling defect that can result in paralysis, profound learning disabilities and fluid on the brain
please help with the answer i would like to experts comment here specially Ron