Because of my excellent academic background and references, I feel confident that I will be able to get into one of my desired schools with a score somewhere between 650-700 (though, I would much prefer to score closer to 680-700). I also have made it a point to be realistic about my potential score and not go in with the idea that I need to score 750 when I started out in the 550 range.
My test date is about 5 weeks away. I am hoping to realistically score between 650-700. I am hoping that I can get advice on the following:
1) Is that realistic?
2) What advice would you suggest to help reach that goal?
Here's a recap on my progress so far:
1) GMAC PrepTest: 550
2) GMAC PrepTest: 570
3) MGMAT Test: 570
4) MGMAT Test: 670
5) MGMAT Test: 620
As you see between tests 3 and 4, I made a significant jump. I mainly attribute that to the way in which I revamped my study method. I essentially implemented a lot more "review" of things that I already learned into my study method instead of constantly trying to learn new stuff (and then forgetting much of it during the time pressured test). I did drop somewhat to 620, which I somewhat expected since I knew that a 100 point jump was a lot.
Using data from the last two tests (since those tests are the ones that benefited from the new study method) here are some of the specifics that stood out to me:
Time Managment Issues:
Problem Solving -
Average Time Right Answers: 1:58
Average Time Wrong Answers: 2:33
My biggest issues with time management on the quant are Word Translations and Number Properties:
WT: Right Answers -1:36 Wrong Answers - 2:53
NP: Right Answers - 1:49 Wrong Answers - 2:07
The issue with the Word Translations is that I actually get a good chunk of them right...between the two tests, I got 12 right and 5 wrong. But my time management has not been good.
This actually reflects a problem that I have with time management on both the Quant and Verbal section: I have a personality that REALLY hates giving up on something. I know that I need to just give up on some of these questions and move on. The problem that I have is knowing when I should just give up and move on. Any suggestions on how I can improve this area?
Specific Areas:
Quant - Number Properties and Algebra
I was very surprised to see my deficiency in NP and Algebra. But numbers don't lie, and between the two tests I got 14 right and 20 wrong. What can I do to improve these areas besides reviewing the MGMAT guide?
Verbal - CR and RC 700-800 questions
I do well in SC, CR, and RC in the 600-700 range. I also do pretty well with SC in the 700-800 range (12 right and 8 wrong). However, between the two tests, I have not done very well with CR and RC in the 700-800 range. With CR 700-800, I have got 6 right and 8 wrong. With RC 700-800, I have got 3 right and 7 wrong. What can I do to improve this deficiency?
Finally, when a student feels that they understand the basics of an area pretty well (Quant and Verbal), what do you suggest they do to break through the 650-750 difficulty range of questions when they're likely being asked to apply their basic knowledge in unusual or more difficult ways?
(P.S. I plan to take three more MGMAT Prep Tests before the big dance. I'm choosing the MGMAT Tests over the GMAC because of the much larger test bank and I get an explanation as to what I did wrong on the questions. To get used to how the GMAC test makers ask questions, I plan on my daily study material to consist of doing and reviewing GMAC problems from the OG 12th edition. I plan on doing approximately 40-50 questions a day split between PS, DS, SC, CR, and RC under timed conditions. Let me know if this sounds ok).
Thanks for the help!