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CR: election polls

by khoad93 Sun Dec 27, 2020 6:01 pm

Dear instructors,

I have a CR question from OG 2020. As per rule, I will try to summarize the content. I hope it would be sufficient for you to understand.

[Redacted by Moderators]

I was confused between (C) and (D), then I ended up choosing (D) even though my instinct told me that there was something not really right about that choice. But for (D), I could not figure out how to eliminate that answer, because the whole argument does not mention the likelihood of voting, and besides, the information of the past prediction does not imply that fact. I knew that (D) is kind of not really relevant, but the aspect of voting in (C) is hard to predict. How can I come up with a better approach to this question?
Thank you <3
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Re: CR: election polls

by esledge Sun Mar 21, 2021 4:39 pm

First, please accept our apologies for the late response. A tech glitch has hidden this folder from all logged-in Manhattan Prep staff since the New Year, so I didn’t see this question until now.
khoad93 Wrote:I have a CR question from OG 2020. As per rule, I will try to summarize the content. I hope it would be sufficient for you to understand.
Thank you--you adhered to our posting guidelines and you didn't do anything wrong, but unfortunately I had to delete this post anyway. (I recognized the referenced OG problem immediately, so I have to assume that GMAC would, too.)
Emily Sledge