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CR Assumption

by vishalc581 Sat Nov 21, 2015 4:12 am

If something would have been justifiably regretted if
it had occurred, then it is something that one should
not have desired in the first place. It follows that
many forgone pleasures should not have been
desired in the first place.

The conclusion above follows logically if which one
of the following is assumed?

(A) One should never regret one’s pleasures.

(B) Forgone pleasures that were not desired would
not have been justifiably regretted.

(C) Everything that one desires and then regrets
not having is a forgone pleasure.

(D) Many forgone pleasures would have been
justifiably regretted.

(E) Nothing that one should not have desired in
the first place fails to be a pleasure.


Tough one!, Please Help

Source: Powerscore
Thanks & Regards,
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Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:23 am

Re: CR Assumption

by RonPurewal Sat Nov 21, 2015 8:29 am

for the purposes of the GMAT exam, you should ignore this problem.

it was almost certainly modeled on an LSAT problem (it looks exactly like a large number of LSAT logic items).
it bears absolutely no resemblance to anything that has ever appeared on the GMAT.