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Correction in num properties guide;chapter11 prob set ques 1

by tom.tharakan Mon Oct 12, 2009 2:10 am

There seems to be a small error in the explanation of question 1 in the problem set of chapter 11 in manhattan number properties guide .

Scenario 3 in the explanation of statement 1 has p, q, r as even, odd and even. But pq + r for 3rd scenario is wrongly computed as E * O + O = O instead of E * O + E = E.

However towards the end of the problem explanation it is mentioned, Scenario 8 of statement 2 and scenario 3 of statement 1 are the same, there by not causing a wrong answer.

Scenario 8 of statement 2 correctly shows pq+r as E * O + E = E.
However, calculation of pq + r in scenario 3 of statement 1 is wrong.

It has to be corrected, I believe..
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Re: Correction in num properties guide;chapter11 prob set ques 1

by georgepa Mon Oct 12, 2009 3:40 am


Scenario 4 should say E * E + E = E (not O * E + E = E)
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Re: Correction in num properties guide;chapter11 prob set ques 1

by tom.tharakan Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:25 am

You are right. Scenario 4 is also written wrong. I didnt notice it previously.
Ben Ku
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Re: Correction in num properties guide;chapter11 prob set ques 1

by Ben Ku Thu Nov 05, 2009 4:17 am

Hi Tom and GeorgePa,

Good eye! Thanks for catching the mistake. I'll send it to the right folks so it gets corrected for the next printing.
Ben Ku