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compared with VS as compared to

by CheungT939 Wed Jun 04, 2014 5:02 am

Dear instructors,

What is the difference between "AS COMPARED TO" and "COMPARED WITH", both of which are behind a comma (shown in 2 prep questions below)

In the United States, while the number of foreign-born residents and their children is higher than ever, the percentage of the population they represent is not, in 1910 this group made up 35 percent of the population when compared to 20 percent in 2000.
A. population when compared to 20 percent in 2000
B. population as compared to 2000, when it was 20 percent
C. population, comparing it with 20 percent in 2000
D. population, unlike 2000, with 20 percent
E. population, compared with 20 percent in 2000


A recent review of pay scales indicates that CEO’s now earn an average of 419 times more pay than blue-collar workers, compared to a ratio of 42 times in 1980.

A. that CEO’s now earn an average of 419 times more pay than blue-collar workers, compared to a ratio of 42 times
B. that, on average, CEO’s now earn 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, a ratio that compares to 42 times
C. that, on average, CEO’s now earn 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, as compared to 42 times their pay, the ratio
D. CEO’s who now earn on average 419 times more pay than blue-collar workers, as compared to 42 times their pay, the ratio
E. CEO’s now earning an average of 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, compared to the ratio of 42 times


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Re: compared with VS as compared to

by Jean_M Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:06 am

CheungT939 Wrote:What is the difference between "AS COMPARED TO" and "COMPARED WITH", both of which are behind a comma (shown in 2 prep questions below)

For the purposes of the GMAT I do not believe there is a difference between compared to/with. Check out this post:

A. Meaning is incorrect:
The population made up 35% of the population in 1910 at the time it was compared to 20 percent [of the population] in 2000.

B. It compares 35% of the population to the year 2000.

C. [comma] + [present participle] is functioning as an adverbial modifier. This is no longer a comparison.

D. Indicates a contrast between "this group" and the year "2000." Unlike X, Y (compares two nouns).

E. Correctly compared 35% of the population in 1910 with 20 percent [of the population] in 2000.
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Re: compared with VS as compared to

by RonPurewal Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:01 am

"Compared to" and "compared with" are completely interchangeable.
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Re: compared with VS as compared to

by ZHUOC614 Sun Aug 31, 2014 11:28 am

Hi Ron,

I understand that there's no difference between "compared to" and "compared with", but I really have no idea about "as compare to/with".How do they function?

Thanks in advance!
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Re: compared with VS as compared to

by ZHUOC614 Mon Sep 01, 2014 5:18 am

Hello Ron,

For further clarification, I found some official sentences here.

1. A recent review of pay scales indicates that, on average, CEO's now earn 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, as compared to 42 times their pay, the ratio in 1980.
2. Minivans carry as many as seven passengers and, compared with most sport utility vehicles, cost less, get better gas mileage, allow passengers to get in and out more easily, and have a smoother ride.
3. In the United States, while the number of foreign-born residents and their children is higher than ever, the percentage of the population they represent is not; in 1910 this group made up 35 percent of the population, compared with 20 percent in 2000.

1. It seems that some times the "compared to/with" is followed by some numbers ,while some times it is followed by some nouns. Is there any distinction as for meaning or grammar between these usages?

2. What does "compared to/with" different from "as compared to/with"? Can we use “compared to“ in the second sentence?

Comparison really bothers me!

Thanks again!
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Re: compared with VS as compared to

by RonPurewal Wed Sep 10, 2014 10:43 am

Both usages are allowed.
They're not comparable in any meaningful sense, so I don't know how to address the question about "similarities". They're two different types of usage.

"Compared to" and "compared with" are interchangeable.
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Re: compared with VS as compared to

by ZHUOC614 Sun Sep 14, 2014 5:23 am

Thanks a ton!!

But I am still a little confused with the usage of "as compared to". I indeed perceive this phrase is also used to express a kind of comparison just as "compared to/like" do.
Here is a correct sentence from official source:

A recent review of pay scales indicates that, on average, CEO's now earn 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, as compared to 42 times their pay, the ratio in 1980.

I really really hope that you can shed some light on me for the usage of "as compared to" in this sentence?

Thanks a lot in advance!
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Re: compared with VS as compared to

by RonPurewal Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:27 am

If you look at the example you've provided, you'll understand the construction.

"[some statistic] was X under some circumstances, (as) compared to Y under other circumstances"

The point is to write a sentence that shows the reader the statistics X and Y, but doesn't spell out the actual comparison-- usually because the actual comparison is obvious.

For instance, in the sentence you cited, it's clear that the point is "419 is way way more than 42". The sentence doesn't include any words that signify "more", because any sentient person reading the sentence will understand that the point is "wow, the number is so much bigger now".
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Re: compared with VS as compared to

by RonPurewal Sun Sep 21, 2014 11:27 am

More specifically--

For this sort of thing to work, the second statistic has to actually be "Y". In other words, it needs to follow "(as) compared to".

That's why choice B fails in the first problem. It says "...compared to 2000".
We're not comparing anything with 2000 (which is not even a statistic in the first place).