by LazyNK Tue Feb 28, 2012 1:51 pm
Hey Noah,
I believe you must get used to the glue method for such problems. The slot method is possible, but very complicated. I am not sure how you arrived at the slot method results you mention, but the correct slot method is as follows ( and I'm sure looking at this solution, you'd see the advantage of the glue method) :
Case 1 : M takes first slot from left, N takes third from left
Total possibilities = 1x4x1x3x2x1 = 24
Case 2 : M takes first slot from left, N takes fourth from left
Total possibilities=1x4x3x1x2x1=24
Case 3 : M takes first slot from left, N takes fifth from left
Total possibilities=1x4x3x2x1x1=24
Case 4 : M takes first slot from left, N takes sixth slot
Total possibilities=1x4x3x2x1x1=24
Total allowed possibilities where M takes first slot= 24x4 = 24 x # of allowed possibilities for N=96
Similarly we'd have Case5-Case7 where M takes the second slot from left (only three allowed possibilities for N for this case)=24x3=72
Similarly, Case8-Case10 where M takes the third slot from left (again only three allowed possiblities for N)=24x3=72
As again, Case11-Case13, M takes fourth slot from left(three allowed possiblities for N)=24x3=72
Case14-Case16, M takes fifth slot from left (three allowed possiblities for N)=24x3=72
Case17-Case20, M takes sixth slot from left ( Four allowed possiblities for N)=24x4=96
Thus total allowed possibilities=96x2+72*4=192+288=480
Hope it clarifies.