by RonPurewal Thu Feb 27, 2014 7:56 pm
Also, remember that you can't really memorize which constructions are "point" constructions and which are relationships. It varies from problem to problem.
Some things"”like the ones I listed above"”are always relationships, and so are always important.
But, some things can be "point" distinctions (and therefore irrelevant distractions) in some problems, but relationships (and therefore important) in other problems.
If you see "California's highways" vs. "California highways" vs. "highways in California" by itself"”with no obvious link to anything else in the sentence"”then it's a distraction and you shouldn't care about it.
On the other hand, if you see that, and you see "Arizona highways" somewhere else in the sentence, then WHOA suddenly it's a parallelism relationship, and you darn well better care about it. A lot.
You get the point. SC is relationships. If you see a split, look to see whether that split is controlled by an "engine" that's elsewhere in the sentence.