by StaceyKoprince Fri Jan 08, 2010 1:59 pm
If you're currently around the 75th percentile mark on quant:
Official question sources:
1) the higher-numbered questions in the OG books (upper third to upper quarter of questions - don't forget that you have to completely nail the 75th-range questions in order to be offered the, say, 85th or 90th range questions on a consistent basis, so don't just concentrate on the hardest questions)
2) GMAT Focus (adaptive, so as you get better, they'll get harder)
3) review of old questions from GMATPrep (no difficulty level given - you'll have to guess)
MGMAT sources:
1) Advanced material chapters in Strategy Guides (non-GMAT-format questions, but math questions test you on harder concepts)
2) online question banks associated with Strategy Guides (have to have the Guides to access)
3) review of old questions from MGMAT CATs (difficulty levels given)
In terms of focusing on your mistakes - just remember that you have to figure out exactly WHY you made any mistakes that you made, and then you have to figure out what habits to make or break to avoid those mistakes in future. Good luck!
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum