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Birds' feathers, epidermal outgrowths consisting of shafts

by AbelK358 Sun Jan 31, 2016 10:47 pm

Source: Thursdays with Ron - March 7, 2013 (2:40)

Birds' feathers, epidermal outgrowths consisting of shafts and veins interlaced with tiny barbs, serve various purposes; some aiding in flight, others insulating their bodies, and still others offering bright displays for mating rituals.

A) feathers, epidermal outgrowths consisting of shafts and veins interlaced with tiny barbs, serve various purposes; some aiding in flight, others insulating their bodies, and still others offering

B) feathers are epidermal outgrowths consisting of shafts and veins interlaced with tiny barbs; serving various purposes, aiding in flight, insulating the birds' bodies, and still offering

C) feathers, which are epidermal outgrowths consisting of shafts and veins, and serve various purposes: some aid the birds in flight, others insulate the birds' bodies, and still offer

D) feathers are epidermal outgrowths consisting of shafts and veins interlaced with tiny barbs; serving various purposes, with some aiding in flight, others insulate their bodies, with others still offering

E) feathers, epidermal outgrowths consisting of shafts and veins interlaced with tiny barbs, serve various purposes: some aid in flight, others insulate the birds' bodies, and still others offer

According to Ron, OA is E.

My question is how can answer "E" be a valid answer when the list of "various purposes" are all independent clauses that should be separated by semicolons, not commas?
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Re: Birds' feathers, epidermal outgrowths consisting of shafts

by RonPurewal Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:02 am

i don't know the terminology you're using, but, it seems that's actually the problem. you're not understanding BECAUSE you're focusing on terminology.

choice E has a common structure: the colon is followed by a complete sentence. (in fact, that's the structure of the sentence i just wrote there, too.)

in that complete sentence, there are 3 parallel elements—which themselves are smaller complete sentences—connected by commas.
Danny has a Prius, Rachel has a Dodge Ram, and Johnny has an Escalade.
this is a pretty common structure. you've seen sentences like this before, right?

these kinds of elements COULD be connected by semicolons, if there's a good reason—e.g., if they're especially long, or if they contain commas themselves—but they certainly don't have to be.
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Re: Birds' feathers, epidermal outgrowths consisting of shafts

by aflaamM589 Tue Feb 23, 2016 2:34 am

Does it has to be list of at least three?
Danny has a Prius, Rachel has a Dodge Ram--> is it also correct?
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Re: Birds' feathers, epidermal outgrowths consisting of shafts

by RonPurewal Sun Feb 28, 2016 6:47 am

aflaamM589 Wrote:Does it has to be list of at least three?
Danny has a Prius, Rachel has a Dodge Ram--> is it also correct?

by itself? no. if you have just 2 things, then they have to be connected by "and", just like any other 2 things.
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Re: Birds' feathers, epidermal outgrowths consisting of shafts

by RonPurewal Sun Feb 28, 2016 6:47 am

you could connect those 2 things with a semicolon (without using "and"), but not just a comma.
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Re: Birds' feathers, epidermal outgrowths consisting of shafts

by aflaamM589 Sun Feb 28, 2016 1:42 pm

Thanks for the reply.
Does it work the same way for while?
Danny has a Prius, Rachel has a Dodge Ram, while Johnny has an Escalade
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Re: Birds' feathers, epidermal outgrowths consisting of shafts

by RonPurewal Sat Mar 05, 2016 3:19 pm

no, you can't do that. you can't have "x, y, while z"
"while" can only connect 2 things.
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Re: Birds' feathers, epidermal outgrowths consisting of shafts

by aflaamM589 Tue May 10, 2016 2:28 am

Thank you very much Ron,


no, you can't do that. you can't have "x, y, while z"
"while" can only connect 2 things.

Does the same go for whereas?
If yes, then that means

Danny has a Prius, Rachel has a Dodge Ram, whereas Johnny has an Escalade--> incorrect
as we can join 3 sentence with and, i am assuming ,therefore, we can also connect three sentences( independent clauses) with but as well.
Danny has a Prius, Rachel has a Dodge Ram, but Johnny has an Escalade--> correct

Is my understanding correct?
Thank you very very much.
Have a great weekend
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Re: Birds' feathers, epidermal outgrowths consisting of shafts

by RonPurewal Tue May 10, 2016 3:58 am

no, you can't do that with "but".

only "and" or "or", depending on context.
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Re: Birds' feathers, epidermal outgrowths consisting of shafts

by aflaamM589 Tue May 10, 2016 4:30 am

Exactly what i was looking for.
Thank you.
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Re: Birds' feathers, epidermal outgrowths consisting of shafts

by RonPurewal Mon May 16, 2016 6:38 pm

you're welcome.