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Big discrepancy between simulation and real exam

by JorgeA668 Fri Oct 13, 2017 11:01 am

I am writing to you for a consultation and to ask you for an advice. I feel extremely discouraged and frustrated. I don't know where my problem lies and even more how to fix it.
I am at a very difficult moment because I don't understand why I have such big discrepancy between my simulation and real exam.
Basically, all my real exams show no improvement at all.

Two weeks ago, I took my GMAT exam again. This was my fourth attempt.
I scored 390 in total, (Q 30score, 10 percentile; V 15 score, 19 percentile).

Before that I took the exam on August 2017 with a score 380,
prior on May 2017 with a score 410
and November 2016 with a score 380.

Before my last exam I studied 1,5 month over 8h a day. I purchased Manhattan Prep Exams and also other provider exams. I have done all exams under similar conditions as the real exam and I scored in chronological order:
CAT 1 560 Quant 35/29% Verbal 32/67%
CAT 2 570 Quant 38/38% Verbal 30/60%
CAT 3 610 Quant 41/45% Verbal 33/69%
CAT 4 530 Quant 31/21% Verbal 32/67%
CAT 5 530 Quant 37/36% Verbal 26/44%
Other 550 Quant 39/39% Verbal 27/47%
Other 540 Quant 39/39% Verbal 26/44%
Other 560 Quant 39/39% Verbal 29/57%
Other 540 Quant 35/29% Verbal 30/60%
Other 620 Quant 45/59% Verbal 31/62%
Other 590 Quant 38/38% Verbal 34/72%
Other 540 Quant 39/39% Verbal 26/44%

I need a score of 600.
The last attempt left me extremely discouraged as I did not understand why I got such a low score.
It is almost impossible after I have taken individual math classes, two verbal courses, taken 12 trial tests with good results and studied this number of hours. I knew I improved a lot and I felt ready.

I also read that trial tests are usually more difficult than real test, so why is my real score so low?
I don't understand why I keep getting such low scores and why they are so much different than my trial tests? It seems as if I had guessed the entire exam.
Yes, I am nervous during the exam (as normal) but I am able to control it.
At this point I don't know what might be the problem.
I feel stuck and I don't know what should I change to start improving my score.
I want to improve but I have no idea where and how.

Will be grateful for any piece of advice.
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Re: Big discrepancy between simulation and real exam

by StaceyKoprince Fri Oct 13, 2017 3:46 pm

I'm sorry that this test has been so frustrating for you.

There are a number of reasons why someone might see a big score drop on the real test. Take a look at this article to read about some of the causes and let me know if any of these might apply in your case: ... t-wrong-2/

In what order did you do your most recent practice tests and your most recent real test? Did you order an Enhanced Score Report (ESR) from the real test? If so, let us know what that data says.

When you were taking the real test, did it feel different in any way compared to your practice tests? Tell us what those differences were—even if you think they were minor / not important.

As you noted, nerves can cause significant issues on the real test. Everyone gets at least a little nervous, of course. Can you describe how you feel when you're taking the real test?

The other big culprit is usually timing / decision-making, so I'm wondering whether there are issues going on with that. If you have purchased an ESR, that could point us to timing issues on the real thing—maybe issues that are not showing up as severely on your practice tests for some reason.

You mention studying over 8 hours a day for 1.5 months. You could be burned out / mentally fatigued to the point that your brain isn't processing properly any longer. That doesn't entirely explain why you would do well on practice tests but not the real thing—you'd expect burnout to affect you on both. But this is one thing to think about. What did you do in the final 2-3 days before you took the real test?

I am noticing that your quant practice scores were mostly in the 35 to 40 range and dropped to 30 on the real thing. Your verbal scores were clustered around 30 and dropped to 15 on the real thing. In other words, both scores dropped, but verbal dropped more. I'm wondering whether you are either getting mentally fatigued (if you do verbal later in the test) or whether you might be someone who needs some warm-up time (so your first section isn't as good—in this case, you'd want to do essay and IR first).

And, finally, take a look at these two resources: ... lly-tests/ ... -the-gmat/

Let me know what you think about those—whether you think you're already doing those things or whether part of the issue may be with the "old-school" mindset.
Stacey Koprince
Director, Content & Curriculum