The OG says choice C in question 75 of review verbal 2 is incorrect because "Its does not have a referent".
I guess "referent" means to a noun, isn't it?
"Baltic Sea" is an adjective, so "Its" cannot refer to "Baltic Sea".
I made the below sentence up, but I saw some correct sentences in OG have the same structure.
John's new novel is interesting, but his new poem is very boring.
"John's" is not a noun but an adjective, and "his" could refer to a noun "John".
Why is the sentence correct? what is the difference between the two sentences?
OG explanation says choice E in the same question is incorrect because "consistent illogically describes the Baltic Sea."
It seems that adjective phrase, such as "consistent with ....", cannot refer to entire preceding sentence even though the phrase is separated from the preceding clause by "a comma".
Is it correct?
Thank you.