RonPurewal Wrote:Also,would it be correct if Choice C were written as the following:
fatty foods are consumed by people in France at a comparable rate to the case in the US is
* You can't break up "comparable to". You'd have to have
a rate comparable to some other rate.
Ron, is it because "
comparable to" is a prepositional phrase(like "rather than","instead of"...) that we can't broke it apart? Since "comparable to" modifies "a rate", so the second part of comparison should also be a rate? If it is the case, than "
comparable to" is so different from other comparison signals like "as" or "the same... as..."?
Are the following sentences correct?
fatty foods are consumed by people in France at a rate comparable to the rate at which they are consumed by people in the USfatty foods are consumed by people in France at the same rate as they are by people in the USI think the second one has some problems that I can't point out or rectify. Please help.
RonPurewal Wrote:* "The case", in this sense, is not normally used outside of "is the case" or "is not the case". (If you are talking about a court case, of course, that's a different animal.)
* I'll assume that "is" (at the end) is a typo, i.e., you didn't mean to type "is" there. (If "is" is there, the result is not only illogical, but not even a sentence anymore.)
I got the idea of using "the case is" from the problem in the link
there-are-hopeful-signs-that-t3322.html?hilit=There%20are%20hopeful%20signs%20that%20we%20are%20shifting%20awayFor your convenience, I list it here
There are hopeful signs that we are shifting away from our heavy reliance on fossil fuels: more than ten times as much energy is
generated through wind power now than it was in 1990.
A) generated through wind power now than it was
B) generated through wind power now as it was
C) generated through wind power now as
was the case D) now generated through wind power as it was
E) now generated through wind power then was the case
So why can't I use "the case is " here in the sentence quoted at the top of this post, while it can be used in the question listed above? I remember you said "the case is/was" refers to the general concept of the previous clause.
Thank you very much!
Ps. Sorry, I didn't mean to edit GMAC's sentence(though it appears so), I just want to get a more complete and detailed framework about comparison.😔