by jonathanc Wed Aug 05, 2009 8:41 pm
I' say 312 too.
I did it using the Venn Diagramm (I like this trick found in MGMAT bbook because it 's very fast to use like the Prime box) unfortunately I dont find how to paste image here so I will use the text but if you trace the circles it is easy to follow.
I did my diagramm with 100 people to not waste time on calculation but you can do it with 1200 I think i guess it 's just longer.
You Know that the total of people in the User Friendly (UF) circle is 56 and the total in the Fast Response (FR) time is 48. The overlapping area between both including the overlapping with Bargain Prices (BP) is 30. So the Min and the Max people of UF + FRT (forget about BP circle now , dont even trace it if you want) is (56-30) + (48-30) +30 = 74. (with the circle it is easy to see). Means that you have 26 persons NOT UF and NOT FRT and the remaining 16 (42-26) have to be in an Overlapping area UF-BP or FRT-BP.
Thus 26 % is the number of people citing BP but not UF and not FRT ( I dont think there is a min and a max , it can only be this number.) and 26% of 1200 = 25%+ 1% = 300+12=312 (it s the way i do my calculation to go faster).
Hope it s the right method?