Dear Everyone,
I am really finding it hardto identify the subject of a sentence whenever the subject is a possible gerund/gerund phrase. In the end, I fail to assign the right verb (singular/plural) to the subject.. Please help with suitable explanation to the concept along with clarifications to the sentences below..
The rising costs of data processing ___________(has/have) hit the profits of many telecom industries.
(What is the subject here - "Rising Costs" or "Costs"? why?)
Declining values of plots and apartments ______(is/are) going to affect the real estate industry.
What is the subject here - "Declining values" or "Values"?Why?)
Rising inventories _________ (can lead/may leads) to higher production levels, thereby increasing profits for the organization.
What is the subject here - "Rising inventories"/ "inventories"? Why?
Please help!