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A certain list consists of several different integers

by Ladan Mon Aug 20, 2007 12:31 pm

I also don't seem to understand how the following DS problem can be solved with the given information.

Thanks for you all you guys and gals do at ManhattanGMAT - you've all been so helpful!

GMAT 2007

by GMAT 2007 Mon Aug 20, 2007 1:06 pm


From statement (1), we know the product of the highest and the lowest integer is + ve, it means either both of them are +ve or -ve

For ex: -2,-1,1,2 in this list the product of -2&2 is -4. It proves both the highest and the lowest terms have to be of same sign.

(+ve or -ve) the other factor that needs to be considered is the no. of terms in the list,

If the no. of terms is odd and all the integers are -ve, the product of all the integers will be -ve this information is given by statement (2)

no. of terms in the list are even, hence the product of all the integers in the list will always be +ve.

So if you combine (1) & (2), they are sufficient.

GMAT 2007

ve ??

by guest Mon Aug 20, 2007 2:56 pm

What does "ve" mean?
GMAT 2007

by GMAT 2007 Mon Aug 20, 2007 3:30 pm

+ve = positive
-ve = negative

GMAT 2007


by PositiveNegative Wed May 14, 2008 3:59 pm

Here is how I tried it but I still get choice E.

I eliminated choice A,B, and D.

Now I am using both statements together. In this case I have 4 different integers, ordered from least to smallest, which satisfies statement 2.
={+,-,-,+} ==> Positive Product
={-,-,-,-} ===> Positive Product
={+,-,+,+} ===> Negative product

we have two conflicting results, enough for us to choose C
Positive Neg

Re: Disagree

by Positive Neg Wed May 14, 2008 4:05 pm

Can someone from MGMAT staff pleas provide assistance? thanks.

by kevincan Wed May 14, 2008 5:45 pm

(1) The n integers are all positive, in which case their product is positive, or all negative, in which case the product is negative if n is odd or positive if n is even.
(2) There may be an even or odd number of negative numbers, so not sufficient
(T) Even if the integers are all negative, the product is positive, as n is even

Kevin Armstrong
Madrid, Spain

Re: Disagree

by Guest Wed May 14, 2008 8:51 pm

PositiveNegative Wrote:Here is how I tried it but I still get choice E.

I eliminated choice A,B, and D.

Now I am using both statements together. In this case I have 4 different integers, ordered from least to smallest, which satisfies statement 2.
={+,-,-,+} ==> Positive Product
={-,-,-,-} ===> Positive Product
={+,-,+,+} ===> Negative product

we have two conflicting results, enough for us to choose C

I meant we have two conflicting results, enough for us to choose E

by Captain Fri May 16, 2008 1:37 am

={+,-,-,+} ==> Positive Product
={-,-,-,-} ===> Positive Product
={+,-,+,+} ===> Negative product

You have to multiply the smallest and the largest to satisfy case I. For exmple {+,-,-,+} does not satisfy case I. You have taken both negative numbers in the middle. But the smallest number will be one of the negative numbers and the largest one of the positive ones, giving a negative product of as opposed to positive. Same holds for the third example you have used.


by Guest Fri May 16, 2008 4:54 pm

I get it now, thanks Captain.
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Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:23 am

by RonPurewal Mon May 19, 2008 6:01 am

Captain Wrote:
={+,-,-,+} ==> Positive Product
={-,-,-,-} ===> Positive Product
={+,-,+,+} ===> Negative product

You have to multiply the smallest and the largest to satisfy case I. For exmple {+,-,-,+} does not satisfy case I. You have taken both negative numbers in the middle. But the smallest number will be one of the negative numbers and the largest one of the positive ones, giving a negative product of as opposed to positive. Same holds for the third example you have used.

yep - if you have numbers arranged from least to greatest, then any '-' numbers must show up to the left of all '+' numbers. otherwise, you've created an impossible situation in which a negative number is somehow bigger than a positive number.

the rest of the explanations on this thread are fantastic, so there's really not much that we official types can add here.

how about 0?

by anky666 Mon Sep 15, 2008 10:54 pm

Why dont we consider 0 here? 0 is also an integer.

by anky666 Mon Sep 15, 2008 11:03 pm

I got it.. 0 cannot be in the list.

Thanks anyways..

by Andrew Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:10 am

HEY~Don't u think the setence"Is the product of all integers in this list positive? "is ambiguous
ex. (-2,-1,1,2) imo, it means -2*-1*1*2 not mean -2*2 to satisfy I
moreover " There is an even number of integers"
means the number of intrgers is even number,but i always misunderstand to be "exist an even number"
i'm a chinese , so feel difficult to identify the little difference lol

by RR Mon Nov 17, 2008 6:24 am

I got it.. 0 cannot be in the list.

Thanks anyways..

anky666, I don't know why you said that zero cannot be on the list. I feel that zero can be on the list. But the good part is, the answer does not change if zero is there. If zero is there, the product of all numbers in the list will be zero and hence positive. And you still need choices 1 & 2 if the list consists of only non-zero numbers.