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800score RC passage -Test-1

by helloriteshranjan Fri Dec 04, 2009 8:49 am

During World War I, the issue of neutral rights on the seas plagued America’s foreign relations. One of the German justifications for its shoot-on-sight policy was the fragile U-boat’s vulnerability to armed vessels. To deal with this problem, in early 1916, Lansing proposed a modus vivendi:....

the whole passage seemed very dubious in meaning to me.
It's not clear who was Lansing? Whether he was representative of US Government or some third country's, its not clear. In one sentence, Lansing dropped the "modus vivendi' , and in another sentence, Wilson Administration drops the modus vivendi.
How can I gather that Lansing was part of US Government?

if somebody else faced this confusion ... please share or clarify.

I am not posting the question because there is no meaning posting the question without the whole passage. And I am afraid it would be some copyright issue if i post the whole thing here...

Ben Ku
ManhattanGMAT Staff
Posts: 817
Joined: Sat Nov 03, 2007 7:49 pm

Re: 800score RC passage -Test-1

by Ben Ku Thu Jan 07, 2010 2:49 am


It's hard to comment on your confusion without seeing the entire passage.
Ben Ku