The extensive research into chimpanzee intelligence has led to studying the laughter-like vocalizations emitted by chimpanzees, challenging the long-accepted belief held by figures such as Aristotle that laughing is uniquely human.
A. Same
B. the study of the laughter-like vocalizations emitted by chimpanzees, which challenges the long-accepted belief held by such figures as Aristotle that their laughing
C. the study of the chimpanzee's laughter-like vocalizations, which challenges the long-accepted belief held by such figures as Aristotle that laughter
D. the laughter-like vocalizations emitted by chimpanzees, which were challenging the long-accepted belief held by such figures as Aristotle that to laugh
E. the laughter-like vocalizations, emitted by chimpanzees
OA is C, please help me understand:
1) why is A incorrect
2) I crossed out C because the of the "touch" rule (...chimpanzees, which challenges... appears to be illogical, since chimpanzees are not challenging the long term belief; the "study" is)