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1000 SC #799

by gter Thu Nov 15, 2007 1:29 am

799 The owner of Steele’s Grocery in Osage, Ohio, saved $600 monthly on heat during the winter by putting all his refrigerator air compressors together in an insulated compartment, then installing two fans and a duct that carried waste heat from the compressors into the main part of the store.
(A) then installing two fans and a duct that carried
(B) then he installing two fans and a duct that carried
(C) then two fans were installed with a duct that carried
(D) installing two fans, and then carrying through a duct
(E) installing two fans, and a duct carrying

Can you please explain why the answer is A instead of D? (A seems to be a sentence fragment.)

by GK Thu Nov 15, 2007 12:20 pm

Can you also please explain why E is incorrect? Is it because the sequence of event is unclear in E? Also, is 'carrying' correct in E? Thanks.
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Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:23 am

by RonPurewal Tue Nov 20, 2007 5:35 am

Choice D implies that the owner somehow carried heat through a duct himself!

Choice E is nonparallel: you have putting, then installing, and then finally ... a duct. That doesn't work. Also, notice that the meaning is distorted: this choice makes it sound like the two fans were installed independently, and had little or nothing to do with the duct.

I think that, were this problem to appear on the GMAT, choice A would read '...AND then installing'. Remember, these are 1000sc problems - not worthless, of course, but some of them differ dramatically from GMAT-style usage, especially when it comes to idiomatic constructions.