Verbal question you found somewhere else? General issue with idioms or grammar? Random verbal question? These questions belong here.

1000 CR and SC questions

by guest_KI Tue Jul 29, 2008 3:19 pm


Does anybody know where I can find the 1000 SC and CR questions. If you could provide me with a source, that would be great. I am trying to get more practice on the verbal.

Thanks a lot!
Posts: 19744
Joined: Tue Aug 14, 2007 8:23 am

by RonPurewal Tue Sep 16, 2008 6:40 am

the 1000sc questions are at
NOTE that you can't post 1000sc questions on this site anymore. see the forum rules; 1000sc is now a banned source, mainly due to copyright infringement issues.

DISCLAIMER: some of these questions are lifted from copyrighted sources.
DISCLAIMER #2: among the questions that are NOT lifted from other sources, most are of dubious quality / authenticity, and many are downright bad. in general, 1000sc is not the world's best source.
but i suppose it's better than nothing.