Errata – Word Problems, 5th Edition

Cover for 5th Edition

Release Date:
April 24, 2012


Page Loc Description Erroneous Text Correction
115 Top For question #2, the 2nd statement contains an error. (2) Berdoff is driving 25 meters per minute faster than Abernathy. (2) Abernathy is driving 25 meters per minute faster than Berdoff.
115 Mid Use the wording below for question #4.   A list kept at Town Hall contains the town's average daily temperature in Fahrenheit, rounded to the nearest integer. A particular completed month has either 30 or 31 days. How many days does the month have?
118 Mid In the explanation for problem #3, the first line of the explanation for statement (2) contains an error. c is less than 71, not 70. If c is an integer less than 70, the greatest c can be is 70. If c is an integer less than 71, the greatest c can be is 70.
57 Bot The variable w is incorrectly defined in the alst sentence on the page. If the average age of women is w, then: If w represents the differential between the average age of women and the average age of the group, then:
73 Bot The last paragraph mixes up the words smallest and largest. In this case, if you subtract the largest number from the smallest In this case, if you subtract the smallest number from the largest
87 Bot The last line on the page should be subtraction, not addition. 50 + 20 = 30 male employees 50 – 20 = 30 male employees
39 Top In the second line of the equation at the top of the page, 2/21 should be 21/2. t = 2/21 = 10 1/2 t = 21/2 = 10 1/2
40 Top The units for Rate should be bottles/min, NOT bottles/hr.    
96 Top The answer to #5 should be 48%.    
129 Top The numbering of the questions on the page skips #2.    
129 Top Problem #3 contains incorrect punctuation.   When it is 2:01 PM Sunday afternoon in Nullepart, it is Monday in Eimissaan. When it is 1:00 PM Wednesday in Eimissaan, it is also Wednesday in Nullepart. When it is noon Friday in Nullepart, what is the range of possible times in Eimissaan?
34 Top The explanation on page 34 mistakenly confuses Clyde and Harvey. The explanation should ultimately show that Clyde's rate is 5 miles per hour.    
35 Bot In the chart at the bottom of the page, the distance Car Y traveled should be d – 40, NOT d + 40.    
132 Top The last word of the explanation for #7a should be median, not mean. “…are within six pages of the mean.” “…are within six pages of the median.”