Errata – All the Verbal, 7th Edition

Cover for 7th Edition

Release Date:
September 3, 2019


Page Location Description Erroneous Text Correction
54 Chapter 4
Noun Modifiers
In the sentence beginning with “Since opening modifiers…” towards the middle of this section, “taking” should be “talking”. Since opening modifiers don’t tell you who or what they’re taking about, Since opening modifiers don’t tell you who or what they’re talking about,
61 Chapter 4
Modifier Vs. Core: Part 2
The sentence diagram at the beginning of this section misspells “measure” as “measuer”. in calling for such an extreme measuer in calling for such an extreme measure
96 Chapter 6
Many Uses of the Word As
In the list of uses for “as”, the first example sentence should use “looked”, not “look”. He look down at his phone as he crossed the street. He looked down at his phone as he crossed the street.
101 Chapter 6
Problem Set Answers
The last sentence in the explanation to question #3 has a mistake. developments of both companies developments of both countries
103 Chapter 6
Problem Set Answers
In the explanation for question 12, the word “and” is repeated unnecessarily in the sentence regarding answer choice (A). Eliminate choice (A) for a mismatched subject–verb and and a mismatched comparison. Eliminate choice (A) for a mismatched subject–verb and a mismatched comparison.
290 Chapter 17
Step 4: Work from Wrong to Right
In the “Cons” column, the number of verbal questions listed is incorrect. Have to write 41 separate times Have to write 36 separate times
335 Chapter 19
Title Page
In the second bullet point, “exercise” is misspelled. Excercise: Brainstorm Assumptions Exercise: Brainstorm Assumptions
374 Chapter 20
Right Answers
In Argument 2, the time per session is listed incorrectly. 15 minutes per session. 30 minutes per session.