Getting Past a GMAT Score Plateau
Is your GMAT score stuck? Are you starting to wonder whether to stop studying for the GMAT? If you’re in this situation, but you don’t have the score you want, try following this plan first.
What You Don’t Need to Know for the GMAT
There are a lot of rumors and misinformation about the topics that the GMAT tests. The test writers provide plenty of good info about what the GMAT does test (here’s a good place to start, as well as the Official Guide to the GMAT), but it’s much harder to find reassurance that certain topics won’t be tested. So, let’s look at some of the topics that students ask me about the most, and get the low-down on whether you have to study them.
How the GMAT Algorithm Works
On the GMAT, your score isn’t based on getting points for right answers. Instead, the GMAT lobs your way a series of questions of varying difficulty, working to figure out what your skill level is in each section, and then assigns you a corresponding point value based on where you end.
When to Stop Studying for the GMAT
Did you know that you can attend the first session of any of our online or in-person GMAT courses absolutely free? We’re not kidding! Check out our upcoming courses here.
Studying for the GMAT is likely one of the hardest things that you’ll ever do. Many of my former students tell me that studying for the GMAT was way harder than business school classes! Read more