GMAT, GRE, and LSAT Instructor Auditions: Decision In A Day (NYC April 12th)
Manhattan Prep offers instructors flexible hours and great pay ($100/hour for all teaching and $116/hour for all tutoring). As a Manhattan Prep instructor, you will have autonomy in the classroom, but you will also be joining an incredibly talented and diverse network of people. We support our instructors by providing students, space, training, and an array of curricular resources.
Our regular instructor audition process, which consists of a series of videos and mini lessons, usually takes weeks, even months, to complete. Through this process we winnow an applicant pool of hundreds down to a few people each year.
We are offering a one-day event on April 12th for teachers interested in working with us. Candidates who attend will receive a decision that day. The event will take place at our company headquarters at 138 West 25th St., 7th Floor, in Manhattan, New York City. It is open to candidates who live in the tri-state area, have taught before, and are experts in the GMAT, LSAT, or GRE.
The day will include several rounds of lessons, as well as other activities. Each round will be pass / fail. The day will begin at 10:30 am. It may last as late as 5:30 pm for those who make it through the final round. Candidates will need to prepare lessons for some rounds; we will send more detailed instructions to candidates when they sign up for the event.
To register, please email Yanilda at by Wednesday, April 12. Please include in your email a resume including your teaching experience and a score report.
Behind the Whiteboard: Dave Malloy
Here at Manhattan GMAT, we care deeply about the quality of our instructors. We only hire people who have both prior teaching experience and a 99th percentile GMAT score. We also pay them the highest salary in the industry “ $100 per hour “ so that they are motivated to do the best job possible.
One great thing about the way we treat our instructors is that it allows many of them to pursue their other passions, whether it’s teaching underprivileged children in urban areas, or creating new and exciting companies. We hire so many intriguing people that we wanted to showcase some of their many talents and interests. And so begins our new series: Behind the Whiteboard, where we tell you about the non-GMAT related talents of some of our instructors.
Our first instructor to be featured on Behind the Whiteboard is Dave Malloy, who recently won an Obie!
MGMAT on Oprah
Okay, not really. But ace Instructor Jen Dziura IS appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Network giving advice to her younger self on this link on (it makes sense when you watch it)!
Congratulations Jen!
Manhattan GMAT in St. Louis
Emily Sledge, one of our veteran Instructors who also serves as an Instructor Developer, is moving from sunny California to St. Louis!
Emily first joined MGMAT back in 2005 and has helped literally hundreds of students achieve their GMAT score goals. Before then she earned an engineering physics degree from Cornell, an MBA from UCLA, and a 790 on the GMAT. Whew!
We know the students in Orange County will miss Emily terribly. On the other hand, this is fantastic news for Missouri! If you’re in the St. Louis area and would like to get on our mailing list for upcoming courses later this year, click here.
Best of luck with the move Emily!