B-school Book List
Whether you are headed off to business school in the fall or just planning for the day when you will be, summer is the perfect time to beef up your knowledge with a little summer reading. We spoke with Chris Ryan, Manhattan GMAT’s Vice President of Instructor and Product Development, and with Jason Arvanites, MGMAT Instructor and Yale School of Management 2nd year, to ask them what books they thought should be added to the incoming MBA student’s summer library. (And if you’re looking for more books after reading the list below, be sure to check out last year’s summer reading list.)
Stumbling on Happiness, by Daniel Gilbert
What makes you happy? Read more
The Economist says Business School Applications and the Economy are negatively correlated . . .
A recent piece in the Economist provides confirmation of the sense that this is shaping up to be a VERY competitive season for Business School applicants. It may be a good idea to apply to a few extra schools to make sure you have some options in the Spring if you’re committed to attending school next Fall.
Of course, a high GMAT score can’t hurt your chances either.