The OG 11th Edition – Collector’s Item

Andrew Yang (NY) and Tom Rose (Boston) commemorate the passing of Big Orange
Among the many topics of discussion at the Manhattan GMAT Instructor Convocation was what happens to the 11th Edition of the Official Guide now that it’s about to leave print. Here at Manhattan GMAT, we have something of a library of the various editions of the OG, starting with the 4th Edition or so (our copy of that one is pretty tattered).
Most students automatically gravitate toward the 12th Edition of the Official Guide for GMAT Review as soon as they hear about it, because, well, the newer the better.
But the fact that the 12th Edition is one-third new questions also means that the 11th Edition has several hundred other fairly representative problems of recent vintage for the thorough student to pore through. So if you’ve got Big Orange lying around, don’t punish yourself for having an earlier edition. Instead, praise yourself for picking up what could soon be a Collector’s Item.