Behind the Whiteboard: Dave Malloy
Here at Manhattan GMAT, we care deeply about the quality of our instructors. We only hire people who have both prior teaching experience and a 99th percentile GMAT score. We also pay them the highest salary in the industry “ $100 per hour “ so that they are motivated to do the best job possible.
One great thing about the way we treat our instructors is that it allows many of them to pursue their other passions, whether it’s teaching underprivileged children in urban areas, or creating new and exciting companies. We hire so many intriguing people that we wanted to showcase some of their many talents and interests. And so begins our new series: Behind the Whiteboard, where we tell you about the non-GMAT related talents of some of our instructors.
Our first instructor to be featured on Behind the Whiteboard is Dave Malloy, who recently won an Obie!