Manhattan Prep Instructor Stacey Koprince advises Business Insider on the “GMAT or GRE?” question
Business Insider recently reached out to our very own Stacey Koprince for expert guidance on navigating the increasingly relevant “GMAT or GRE?” conundrum.
Stacey told Business Insider that there are only two circumstances in which a prospective b-school student would spurn the GMAT for the GRE: Read more
Help! Deadlines are approaching and I don’t have the GMAT score I want!
In the past month, I’ve spoken to more than a few students who were aiming for round 1 deadlines but hadn’t yet gotten the GMAT scores they thought they needed for “their” schools. If you’re in this boat, too, let’s talk about your various options. Read more
The GMAT’s not a math test – it’s a foreign language test!
A student of mine once emailed me after he took the GMAT. Instead of telling me his score, he wrote, “let’s just say that 4 times my score is a multiple of 88, and 5 times my score is a multiple of 35.”
Can you tell what he got? If not…you may need to work on your GMAT translation skills! Read more
How many GMAT practice tests should you take?
How many GMAT practice tests should you take while studying for the test? GMAT expert Jonathan Schneider weighs in. Read more
This mindset will help you feel good about guessing on the GMAT
If you’ve ever read any of my articles, then you know how much I harp on the idea that the GMAT is primarily a test of your business decision-making, or executive reasoning, skills. Sure, there’s a bunch of facts and rules you need to know, but you don’t need to be a math or grammar superstar in order to get a good score on the GMAT (even though I know it feels that way sometimes).
You do, though, have to be a GMAT master. Business schools want to know that you are going to be a good executive. You can assess a situation rapidly, noticing positive and negative factors that may affect how you want to move forward in that situation. You make appropriate decisions most of the time and you follow through: if you decide that a particular product line needs to be cut, you make that cut. You don’t dribble in another million dollars because you’re reluctant to let go. In short, you can manage your scarce resources (time, money, people) masterfully.
The GMAT is the same game, though your scarce resources on the test are time and mental energy. As such, it is crucial to approach the test as a series of business decisions, not a school test.
How do you take the test with a business mindset? Glad you asked! Read on. Read more
Meteor Streams: Inference on GMAT Reading Comprehension (Part 3)
We’re up to the very last question in the series on the Meteor Stream passage from the free set of practice questions that comes with the GMATPrep® software.
If you haven’t already, go read the first article (linked in the first paragraph); I’m not going to reproduce the full passage here
because it’s so long. When you’re done, keep that passage open in another window and come back here. (Note: you can try the other questions first if you like, or you can come straight back here. Your choice.)
Ready for the question? Give yourself about 1.5 minutes to answer. Read more
These are the most common GMAT study mistakes
Manhattan Prep GMAT Instructor Jonathan Schneider explains some of the most common mistakes he sees students make when studying for the GMAT.
Be sure to check back every Tuesday for a new video in our GMAT 101 series, detailing the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the GMAT.
Meteor Streams: Find the Detail on GMAT Reading Comp (Part 2)
I’ve got another installment for you in the series on the meteor streams passage from the free set of practice questions that comes with the GMATPrep® software.
This post contains the 4th of 5 questions that come with the passage. If you haven’t already, go read the first article (linked in the first paragraph); I’m not going to reproduce the full passage here because it’s so long. When you’re done, keep that passage open in another window and come back here. (Note: you can try the other questions first if you like, or you can come straight back here. Your choice.)
Ready for the question? Give yourself about 1.5 minutes to answer. Read more
How to Tackle Every Single GMAT Problem (Seriously!) – Part 5
Did you know that you can attend the first session of any of our online or in-person GMAT courses absolutely free? We’re not kidding! Check out our upcoming courses here.
Welcome to part 5 of our series on how to answer every single GMAT problem you’ll ever see. ? If you haven’t already read the earlier installments, start with part 1 and work your way back to me.
Last time, I left you with a Critical Reasoning question from the free questions that come with the GMATPrep® software. Let’s talk about it! Read more
Meteor Streams: Find the Assumption on GMAT Reading Comprehension (Part 1)
A couple of years ago, I wrote a small series on the Meteor Stream passage from the free set of practice questions that comes with the GMATPrep® software. A student recently mentioned how useful he found the discussion regarding how to handle all the technical language in a science passage, and I realized that there’s more we can do with this passage! Read more