Manhattan Prep GMAT Blog

ManhattanGMAT Opens in Philadelphia, Voraciously Consumes Cheesesteak


ManhattanGMAT, shortly after opening a center in our nation’s current capital, is proud to announce the opening of another location in our nation’s original capital. Worry no longer, denizens of Philadelphia, for ManhattanGMAT has scheduled a preview class on August 21st at 6:30pm and a 9-session course (with accompanying trial session) set to begin the following week, August 28th also at 6:30pm.

We are also pleased to announce that the preview class and the 9-session course will be taught by ManhattanGMAT’s first hire and current CEO, Andrew Yang. To register for any of the sessions, simply follow any of the links above.

Know anyone REALLY smart who can teach?


ManhattanGMAT is growing by leaps and bounds, and we are constantly searching for new Instructors.

It is a very hard thing to become a ManhattanGMAT Instructor; one must have a 99th percentile real GMAT score (now a 760+) and prior teaching experience to even be considered. Of those who satisfy these requirements and audition, we take about 1 in 5. Instructors must then complete training of approximately 100 hours before they are given a class or a tutoring student.

If that sounds like an awfully daunting selection and training process, it is! But we make it worth people’s while; in order to attract and retain instructors that are this talented, we pay $100/hr, by far the highest in the industry. And our selectivity has paid off – it is not an exaggeration to say that our outstanding Instructors are the main reason we have been so successful as a company. Feel free to check out their bios here.

If YOU know someone you think may be interested in applying to us, send them our way! As they apply, let us know that you referred them by e-mailing, and have them mention you. If we hire your friend and they begin teaching for us, we will pay you an “Instructor Bounty” of $1,000! That’s right, you can finally take advantage of having brilliant friends who happen to be outstanding teachers!

The information your friends needs to apply can be found here, as well as a list of locations for which we are hiring. And if you don’t have any friends that fit the bill yet, go find one! 🙂

ManhattanGMAT is arriving in D.C.!


As first announced on, ManhattanGMAT is officially arriving in Washington D.C.! Our first open house will take place next Thursday, July 19th at 6:30 p.m. And our first course will begin the following Saturday, July 28th, taught by veteran ManhattanGMAT Instructor Eric Caballero.

We are awfully excited to FINALLY be able to serve the students in our nation’s capital!

Business School Admissions Panel follow-up


Last night saw the Business School Admissions panel here in New York, with Admissions officers from Harvard, Kellogg, NYU Stern, and Wharton in attendance. Each school aired a presentation highlighting the specific features of its MBA program, and then answered questions for over 140 prospective students in a lively Q & A session.

We will be posting some of the insights generated via the panel in this space in the coming days. One early tidbit – Harvard is reducing the total number of essays it requires, and also increasing flexibility to give applicants more choices for essay topics (2 required + 3 chosen from a number of different topics).


Andrea Mitchell Kimmel, Associate Director MBA Admissions at Harvard Business School answers a question, as Ellen Kim of Kellogg and Alison Goggin of NYU Stern look on.

The event was tremendous, and we’d like to thank our panelists for sharing their time. Again, we will be posting additional points raised and addressed by the panelists in the days to come.

Also, while we’re thanking people, here’s a picture of the organizer of the panel, Jessica Eliav (on the right), Director of Corporate Accounts for ManhattanGMAT, with Katie Buongiorno from the Marketing Department. Kudos to a great event! 🙂


Business School Admissions Panel Update


Due to an immense level of interest, we are going to be capping attendance at our Business School panel on June 21st here in New York (Admissions officers from Harvard, NYU, Kellogg, and the recently added Wharton are scheduled to attend). If you missed out this time, we will be having another similar panel here in New York later in the year. If you’re already coming, see you on the 21st!

GMAT Score Standards on the Rise


Recently, we interviewed a potential instructor who said that he had gotten a 99th percentile score a number of years ago, but that his total score was a 730.

This did not seem correct.  As many people know, the current score threshold for a 99th percentile score on the GMAT is a 760 or higher (out of 800).  This is a change from just last year, as even the most recent edition of the Official Guide indicates that 750 is a 99th percentile score.  But a 730?

So we examined a copy of this gentleman’s score report with great interest.  His score was reported as follows:

October, 1998

Quant Raw Score – 49

Quant Percentile – 97%

Verbal Raw Score – 41

Verbal Percentile – 94%

Raw Score Total – 730

Total Percentile – 99%

It turns out that he was correct – a 730 WAS indeed a 99th percentile score in 1998 (when GMAC first went to the computerized adaptive test format).

It is worth noting that this person’s raw scores NOW would translate to:

Quant Percentile – 90%

Verbal Percentile – 93%

In other words, over the past 9 years, it has become MUCH harder to be at the top percentile in the Math, and slightly harder to be at the top percentiles in the Verbal.   His scores now would not place him near the 99th percentile overall.

This just goes to show that it’s gotten, and continues to get, increasingly difficult to get a distinguishing score as competition heats up and preparation levels rise.

(on a side note – we did not hire this particular instructor candidate) article on GMAT Prep


A recent article appeared on that described some of the major GMAT Test prep options out there, and ManhattanGMAT was prominently featured.   If you missed it, click here to check it out.

Business School Admissions Panel – June 21st in New York City


The next Business School Admissions Panel discussion will take place on Thursday, June 21st, from 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. at ManhattanGMAT’s Chelsea Center (138 West 25th St.).

Admissions Officers from Harvard, Kellogg (Northwestern), and NYU Stern will be in attendance to discuss the business school admissions process. They will also be advising applicants on what one should and shouldn’t be doing to prepare.

I will post again with the link to sign-up for this FREE panel discussion in the coming week or so. Watch out for it, as this event will be first-come first-serve until it reaches capacity.

Interview with Jeremy Shinewald, Founder of MBA Mission


We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Jeremy Shinewald, founder of MBA Mission, to get his thoughts on the admissions season that just passed, and to provide a look ahead.

MANHATTAN GMAT: We are in the final stages of one admissions season and the earliest stages of the next. Let’s start with a look back “ can you share some observations on the 2006-2007 admissions cycle?

JEREMY: Well, the MBA was all but written off by BusinessWeek a few years ago. Now, due to the strength of the economy in general and Wall Street in particular, 2006-2007 definitely proves that the MBA is back. Candidates are confident that they will see a significant return on their respective investments and are once again clamoring for places in top-MBA programs.

As you guys know, there has been a sharp rise in GMAT test-takers (approximately 24% year over year) this year and top-schools are reporting significant increases in application volume. A few weeks ago, Soojin Kwon Koh, Director of Admissions at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business, wrote in the school paper that applications were up 31% and that 2006-2007 might be Ross’s most competitive year ever. She then noted that a portion of this increase could be attributed to individual candidates applying to a greater number of schools, not just to there being more applicants in general. I have heard similar comments from other admissions officers as well and am pretty certain that, as the perception of greater competition spreads, this trend will as well.

Read more

GMAT Test Simulation Booklet Has Arrived


GMAT Test PadWe are VERY proud to announce that the new ManhattanGMAT Test Simulation Booklet is now available! It is virtually identical to the real thing used in the Pearson Vue testing centers, complete with marker. So now, you can practice with the confidence that you won’t be the least bit surprised by the nature of the laminated booklet they give you on test day.

Though it’s a small thing, we’re very glad to be able to remove one more variable or bit of uncertainty for students in their preparation. 🙂

If you’d like to check it out or pick up a copy, click here.