Rephrasing Data Sufficiency Questions
Data sufficiency problems can be a lot of fun because we don’t actually have to solve all the way to the end of the problem. At the same time, data sufficiency problems can be maddening because of the way in which the information is worded. Often, especially on harder questions, the question stem or statements in a data sufficiency problem are worded in such a tricky way that we’re not sure of the significance of the information after we’ve read it.
This lesson is all about how to Rephrase the information in a more useful way. (For those who have taken or are planning to take our class, the Rephrasing lesson occurs during class 1, though I’ve changed the order in which the types are presented in this article.) Read more
B-School Money Bubbles
An article on last week pointed out that the debt burden for MBA students at top business schools has seen an increase as of late. This rise has largely been attributed to the recent recession. B-school financial aid officers have noted that the resultant pay freezes at pre-MBA jobs have caused more and more applicants to dip into their personal savings to finance their degrees. With applicants making less money as they enter school, and tuition costs growing steadily, the higher debt load seems almost inevitable.
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Manhattan GMAT’s Scholarship Program
We’ve written a fair amount about various alternative careers b-school graduates can have, like education, fashion, casino management and healthcare. We realize that prospective MBAs interested in these fields might not be traditional MBA candidates to begin with, particularly if they’ve been working in the nonprofit sector. Therefore, this summer, we’re offering our Social Ventures Scholars program, which will give 25 individuals a full tuition scholarship to a special Live Online 9-session course.
The course will begin on June 9, 2011. If you’re interested in applying for this scholarship (a $1090 value) you must meet the following three criteria:
- you currently work full-time in an organization that promotes positive social change,
- you plan to use your MBA to work in a public, not-for-profit, or other venture with a social-change oriented mission,
- you can demonstrate a clear financial need.
If you meet these criteria and would like to apply, you can find the details of the scholarship, including applications requirements, here. You can also contact with any questions.