GMAT Tutorials
Over time, our Instructors have written a number of articles about various GMAT-related substantive topics. Now, our Internet ace Michael Dinerstein has worked to transform several of those articles into online tutorials. For those of you who struggle with more than one continuous paragraph of text, your ship has come in!
In all seriousness, they’re a lot easier to make use of now. Kudos to Mike for bringing these awesome kernels of wisdom to students everwhere!
Chat with Kellogg
Businessweek recently hosted a chat with admissions officers from Kellogg, one of the most popular business schools for our students. We thought we’d pass the link along, as it’s always great to get insight directly from the people who will be reading applications. (Also, they mention that they just care about your highest GMAT score, so don’t fret if you didn’t knock it out of the park the first time!)
Free GMAT Flash Cards for the iPhone & iPod Touch.
If you have ever downloaded our popular free GMAT flash cards, you might have been one of the many individuals who requested that we make this resource available as an iPhone/iPod Touch app. You also probably heard us tell you that we were working on developing this very app and were excited over the prospects of a mobile version of our flash cards. That apparently wasn’t good enough for you guys because you flooded our phone lines with requests to get the app out faster and with more features such as flagging cards right or wrong and shuffling the deck. We added those features to the docket, but it still didn’t prevent you from following us out of our office, clamoring over this flash cards iPhone app. “Create an interface that is enabled for gestures so you can flick the cards!” “Create an iPhone-friendly version of the Manhattan GMAT website!” “Build in functionality to cast spells, like Harry Potter!”
While we were baffled by the spell request, we implemented the other two suggestions and produced a flaggable, gesture-realistic, and self-contained version of our flash cards that is now available in the iTunes app store for free!
We hope this is finally enough for you guys because our email server is about to explode from all your flash cards requests. However, we know this isn’t the case and in a few months from now, you’ll probably be asking us to make a new version for the iPad. Well, we hope that these flash cards keep you busy for at least a little while.
Also, please remember to rate the cards in the app store!
Don’t Stress Over Difficulty Levels
Studying for the GMAT is a formidable undertaking. There are so many potential topics of study — and so much study time to be allocated — that it is often difficult, and may even seem impossible, to decide where to start or where to focus.
Still, there are some topics that are definitely less important than others — and, in the case of most students, simply not important at all. Probably the most prominent of these topics, in the minds of students, is “difficulty level”.
On the GMAT forums, I see many posts inquiring about the specific, numerical difficulty level of problems. While these numbers – if they can be nailed down at all – are an interesting curiosity, they are essentially irrelevant to students’ strategy; the only people who benefit from knowing specific difficulty levels are people who write the exams.
In other words: Do NOT worry excessively about the difficulty level of the problems.
You should NEVER bother trying to assign specific numbers to the difficulty of a problem; the only levels of difficulty that will ever affect you are “hard”, “easy”, and “just right”.
In fact, you should never give much thought to the difficulty level of the problems — no matter whether you are taking the actual exam or just studying. Here’s why.
When you study, an excessive focus on difficulty level will cause you to abandon the “big picture”, causing you to focus excessively on specifics. That’s not a good thing, because the only true purpose of studying is to discover general principles and techniques that will solve not only the problem at hand, but also OTHER problems — similar problems that may appear on future exams. (These general principles and techniques are what I have called “takeaways” on the forum and in classes.)
Here’s why “difficulty level” doesn’t really matter when you study: it’s quite possible to derive a takeaway from any easy problem, and then use it to solve a much more difficult problem in the future — or vice versa. Therefore, it is imperative that you study all problems within your grasp with the same intensity, without worrying about “difficulty level”; you never know which problems will give you the takeaways that you will need on your official test.
Then, there’s the matter of taking the actual exam. In this circumstance, it’s also not worthwhile to worry about the difficulty level of problems — because you will be completely unable to judge it with any accuracy. Therefore, if you even let your thoughts wander to “difficulty level”, not only will you be engaging in a completely unproductive thought process, but you will also be diverting mental energy away from the much more important task of answering the questions themselves!
Instead, your single most important mission during the official exam is to “MONOTASK” — i.e., to think about nothing other than the objective content of the problem in front of you, and the techniques that will solve that problem. Outside concepts — such as “difficulty level” — should not even enter your mind while you take the official test; they’ll do nothing but raise your stress level.
About specific difficulty level — trying to nail it down to the nearest hundred?
However, if you are studying from a source that is roughly ordered by “difficulty” — such as the Official Guide quant section — then it may be helpful to have a very general, very vague sense of the “difficulty” of the problems you’re working on. In particular, if everything in a given section just seems too hard, then move back a bit; if everything seems a bit too easy, then move forward.
This is pretty much the only situation in which the notion of “difficulty level” will help you. And note that it’s still not helping you solve the problems – it’s just helping you decide which problems to study in the first place. That’s not something that will transfer onto the official test.
Remember — monotask!
Mainly, we give you this information in order to justify our advice about time management and overall planning.
When we tell our students things such as “NEVER spend too much time on one problem”, inquisitive students will sometimes want to know why — especially because this would be terrible advice on old-fashioned paper tests. This is the ONLY reason why we explain about “adaptive algorithms” and “difficulty levels” – because it’s the machinery behind our advice.
In this respect, we’re not unlike a mechanic who might explain the workings of an anti-lock brake system to a curious customer. Is the customer ever really going to need to know how anti-lock brakes work? Of course not – the customer just has to know how to use the anti-lock brakes, and in what ways they might differ from traditional brakes. The customer will never need any knowledge of the inner workings of the brake system (unless he/she plans to become a mechanic) – but it’s the foundation of the functional knowledge that the customer does need.
It’s the same with the “adaptive algorithm” and “difficulty levels”. Are you ever really going to need to know the nitty-gritty of how these work? Nope – you just have to know how to manage your time and how to proceed through the questions, and in what ways this test might differ from traditional paper-based tests. You will never need any knowledge of precise difficulty levels, or of the precise workings of the adaptive algorithm (unless you plan to write tests yourself) – but we present it to you, as full disclosure, because it’s the foundation of the functional knowledge that you will need.
Good luck!
Go to B-School. Get a Tax Deduction? It’s More Likely Than You Think!
The New York Times blog, “Bucks”, recently published two in-depth articles about a recent court ruling that has made MBA tuition tax deductible provided that you can prove that an MBA can enhance your career. There are some subtleties to the ruling; for example, you cannot deduct the cost of your MBA if you use it to switch careers and in some cases, you might have to provide written proof that the specific classes you took to earn your MBA are directly relevant to your established career. It’s worth giving both articles a full and thorough read, as this new ruling has the potential to save you a significant sum of money.
New York Times: When You Can Deduct the Cost of Your M.B.A.
New York Times: More on M.B.A. Tuition Reductions
Considering An MBA? Attend A Free Long Term Planning Workshop Led by mbaMission
If you live in DC, LA, or Chicago, we invite you to attend a Long Term Planning workshop led by our friends at mbaMission this Thursday, January 28th. The workshop will teach you how to create an admissions timeline, accelerate your personal goals, and weigh the differences between various MBA programs, along with other useful tips. We’re very excited to be able to host these events for our community. Keep in mind, however, that while these events are free, space is limited, so select your location below and register today!
DC |
Thursday | 1/28/09 | 6:30 – 8PM |
Chicago |
Thursday | 1/28/09 | 6:30 – 8PM |
West Hollywood |
Thursday | 1/28/09 | 7 – 8:30PM |
For those of you who do not live in the cities above or who miss the event, mbaMission will be running more Long Term Planning Workshops in the coming weeks. Two will take place online, one in Philadelphia, and one in New York. View our full schedule of events to register.
Thanks to mbaMission for putting these events on!
Free GMAT Guide
Here at Manhattan GMAT, we spend a fair amount of time introducing our students to the ins and outs of the GMAT (e.g. How are the essays weighed and scored? What are the practical implications of the test being computer adaptive?). The GMAT is a unique test that raises its own distinctive issues and challenges, and learning about the test (as opposed to simply practicing test questions) is itself a valuable component to achieving a high score.
In response to popular demand, we have compiled answers to many of the questions that most students have about the GMAT in this FREE guide – the GMAT Uncovered. This guide is available electronically via download at our site. We are confident that the GMAT Uncovered will address many of the questions you may have about the GMAT, including questions you didn’t even know you had! It was written by Stacey Koprince, one of our extraordinary Instructors, so you know it’s good.
Happy reading!
Is MBA tuition tax-deductible?
From the Wall Street Journal, Bschool tuition apparently was tax-deductible for at least one MBA student. Whether this changes the scenario for MBA students everywhere is still open to question.
MBA as Liberal Arts degree
The New York Times recently published a very widely read article about how some business schools (Stanford among them) are looking to provide more broad-based training concerning how to synthesize and address complex issues as opposed to more functional skills such as finance or accounting (the University of Chicago is presented as representing more of a traditional MBA program). Yet another reason to home in on what sort of business education you want for yourself, as prominent business schools are beginning to diverge in terms of educational philosophy and curricula.
Are MBA Students ‘Customers’?
The New York Times has a very interesting discussion up of whether MBA students should be considered ‘customers’ (i.e. have their input/feedback taken as gospel) as opposed to students. The debate is based upon a recent Chicago Tribune article about the same topic.
It might be a good idea to decide yourself how you feel about this, and perhaps apply to schools that agree with you!