MBA Mission in Chicago, New York in September!
We are proud to welcome back, by popular demand, Jeremy Shinewald, founder of MBA Mission! MBA Mission is one of the leading admissions consulting firms in the industry, and we’re very fortunate to have Jeremy in to speak with our students in Chicago and New York.
Jeremy has agreed to conduct one-on-one FREE consultations with up to 20 of our students in Chicago on Monday, September 8th and Tuesday, September 9th between 4:30 and 9:30 p.m. Sign-ups are on a first-come-first-serve basis, and we expect that slots will quickly fill up. If you’re in Chicago, contact Dan McElroy ( to get your name on the list. If you make the list, you’ll then submit your resume and other info so that Jeremy can review them ahead of time before meeting with you.
Jeremy, being a man on a mission (pun intended) will then head to MGMAT HQ here in New York for an Essay Workshop Thursday night, September 11th from 6:30 – 8 p.m. The question Jeremy will address is “How do you write essays that will grab the attention of Admissions committees?” Wouldn’t we all like to know! Click here to sign up for this event.
Last, Jeremy will be conducting more FREE one-on-one consultations in New York on Saturday, September 13th and Sunday, September 14th from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. each day. Here again, you should e-mail Dan McElroy ( to register for a time slot.
We’ll post an update here when the slots fill up. So if you’re reading this and you’re a student in Chicago or New York, act fast!
ManhattanGMAT vs. Manhattan Review
Occasionally, we speak to someone who is confused between us and Manhattan Review. The confusion generally lifts very quickly, when they realize that we are the ‘Manhattan GMAT’ that their friend(s) mentioned to them (“the one that serves Goldman Sachs, McKinsey, Morgan Stanley, etc.”).
It’s actually a surprise that it doesn’t happen more often, as Manhattan Review’s primary marketing strategy seems to be confusing students who are looking for Manhattan GMAT. They regularly pretend to be us and try to muddy the waters, particularly online.
Thankfully, we talk to hundreds of students and dozens of Instructor candidates, and no one has ever mentioned using Manhattan Review, considered teaching for them, etc. So the confusion can’t be too bad.
MGMAT in the New York Post
A recent article in the New York Post references Manhattan GMAT, and provides a useful summary of Scoretop for mainstream readers. We’ll take ‘legitimate’ any day!
Bschools react to Scoretop
Again from Businessweek we have Business Schools themselves reacting to the Scoretop affair. A wait-and-see attitude seems to be the dominant theme until more facts and numbers are presented. Certainly the number of affected individuals seems to be substantially smaller than the 6,000 identified students to date.