Know anyone REALLY smart who can teach?
ManhattanGMAT is growing by leaps and bounds, and we are constantly searching for new Instructors.
It is a very hard thing to become a ManhattanGMAT Instructor; one must have a 99th percentile real GMAT score (now a 760+) and prior teaching experience to even be considered. Of those who satisfy these requirements and audition, we take about 1 in 5. Instructors must then complete training of approximately 100 hours before they are given a class or a tutoring student.
If that sounds like an awfully daunting selection and training process, it is! But we make it worth people’s while; in order to attract and retain instructors that are this talented, we pay $100/hr, by far the highest in the industry. And our selectivity has paid off – it is not an exaggeration to say that our outstanding Instructors are the main reason we have been so successful as a company. Feel free to check out their bios here.
If YOU know someone you think may be interested in applying to us, send them our way! As they apply, let us know that you referred them by e-mailing, and have them mention you. If we hire your friend and they begin teaching for us, we will pay you an “Instructor Bounty” of $1,000! That’s right, you can finally take advantage of having brilliant friends who happen to be outstanding teachers!
The information your friends needs to apply can be found here, as well as a list of locations for which we are hiring. And if you don’t have any friends that fit the bill yet, go find one!
ManhattanGMAT is arriving in D.C.!
As first announced on, ManhattanGMAT is officially arriving in Washington D.C.! Our first open house will take place next Thursday, July 19th at 6:30 p.m. And our first course will begin the following Saturday, July 28th, taught by veteran ManhattanGMAT Instructor Eric Caballero.
We are awfully excited to FINALLY be able to serve the students in our nation’s capital!